Celebrating 91 Years in Forest Hills
Welcome to Christ Lutheran! We are glad you are visiting our web site. We have much to share with you and hope that in your visit you will experience the LOVE of our LORD, JESUS CHRIST. We at CHRIST LUTHERAN believe that all people are special and important. To this end it is our intention to care for you, your children, and the community in which we live. Our graious God loves us so much that it overflows through our daily lives. May this LOVE of JESUS be in you, fill you and empower you to experience the joy of FAITH in CHRIST.
For more information about our church, please click on the Chi Rho ("PX") at the bottom of this page.
Covid-19 Update August, 2024
We are back to normal operations. Masks are optional. Use the fellowship hall if sanctuary is full or you feel more comfortable there.
We have a large screen TV in the hall.
We also encourage everyone to make use of the various means
available to stay connected as a church family. Weekly Sunday bulletins, news
inserts, and sermons are sent via the USPS to members who are shut-in or
sheltering at home without access to the internet. If anyone would like to be
added to this mailing, please contact the church office at 412-271-7173. For
those with internet access, these materials are available on the church
website, christlutheranfh.org under the NEWS tab. Services are live streamed on Facebook at: ChristLutheranChurchfh
These are indeed unprecedented times for us to be reminded
not to take things for granted. This is also the time for us all to come
together and do what we can to remain as the family of God that He has made us
at Christ Lutheran, Forest Hills.
In His Service,
Pastor Ron Breight We also recommend Worship Anew at worshipanew.org for an online worship service.