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For those looking to connect with a weekly adult Bible study, we have some exciting ones to choose from! You don't have to be in a class from the beginning of the year to be in that class. You are welcome at any point.The leaders and their meeting times are listed below:

Bible studies will resume September 8.
Pastor Breight--Bible Overview
A book-by-book survey of the Bible
Time: Sundays 8:45am in room off of the fellowship hall.
Vicar Mroz--Sunday Bible Study: Engaging the Psalms
Discussion of the Psalms.
Time 8:45 am
Gloria Stern-Sunday Bible Study called Prepared with a Reason
This will help students understand what Christians believe and how to explain and defend the faith.
Time: 8:45am
Gloria leads the discussion in Room 4,5

Barry Schoenthal--Sunday Bible Study Book of Hebrews.
Time: 8:45am
Barry leads a study in the library which will finish the Book of Hebrews and then begin another book.




For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9